Full Makeup Tutorial

It’s been a crazy week at my house, but I finally got this blog post and video DONE!

I’m back to my normal work schedule, so finding time in the evenings to work on this post and video editing along with a dog having hip surgery proved to be much more time consuming than I anticipated! But it’s Friday, it’s done, and now we all get to watch it! I’ve waited for hours for the video to upload to YouTube, and here it finally is!

I had asked you guys on social media what you wanted to see in a tutorial video, and since the vast majority voted for the entire face…that’s what I filmed! It’s a little longer, but I give application tips and tricks along the way, and you can fast forward to the segments you’re really interested in! Everything to foundation application, eyes, light contouring…the whole enchilada! I’ve also linked everything I used below, and most of these are my all-time favorite products! So give the video a watch when you have a spare minute, and hopefully it helps you feel more confident in your makeup application skills!

xo, Chelsea